Staying safe while travelling

Staying safe while travelling

Off travelling? There are so many incredible places to see and people to meet wherever you go, but you need to be vigilant in unfamiliar territory.

Tourists face a unique set of risks when travelling in foreign countries. You’ll likely be a target for thieves and scam artists, and potentially vulnerable to environmental conditions and exotic wildlife.

Staying safe is crucial to ensuring that you can enjoy your trip with the least amount of hassle. Here are a few tips to get you started:

Do your research

Identify the risks associated with your destination before you arrive. This can help you avoid scams and stay out of harm’s way as soon as you disembark.

There’s plenty of information online about no-go zones in certain cities and countries, as well as tips to avoid people with the wrong intentions.

Find out who you should be contacting if you get into danger too. Local embassies are a good place to start but also note down how to contact local emergency services.

The government website has travel advice for each country, so read through that before you depart.

Take out travel insurance

One of the most important precautions is travel insurance. Should anything unexpected happen, it can cover the costs associated so you’re not left significantly out of pocket.

Emergency medical treatment, theft and cancellations are usually covered in policies, but choose one that meets your specific requirements.

If anything does happen and you’re injured because of someone else’s actions, you may be eligible to make a claim. Compensation won’t heal your injuries, but it can help you to get on with life after the fact.

Protect yourself from the sun

If you’re travelling in countries with hot climates, prepare your sun protection to look after your skin and health.

Take plenty of sun cream, or just enough to last until you can buy some more. Drink plenty of fluids and stay out of the sun at the height of the day to reduce the risk of sunstroke.

Reapply sun cream in line with recommendations and protect your eyes using the appropriate eyewear. If you do get burnt, stay out of the sun or cover those areas up until the redness has gone.

Pack appropriately

Packing the right things is essential for any trip. For extended travels, you can’t afford to forget any necessities like medication and identification documents.

Take appropriate clothing for the region you are going to. Check the weather before you leave to get a sense of what you’ll need to bring.

Pack appropriately for the type of activities you’ll be doing too. If you’re planning on hiking, wear your walking boots on the plane to free up baggage space. If you’re going to be enjoying the beach life, don’t forget your beach games and snorkel!

If you’re taking valuable items such as a camera or laptop, invest in some reliable security equipment and a sturdy backpack. Stay alert at all times and never leave your bag lying about.

You can never be too safe while you’re travelling. When you’re there, you’ll be glad that you took the necessary precautions so you sit back and relax the experience.